Articles and Links
Below are important readings for the legal profession today.
6 questions to ask yourself if you think you want to go to law school
By Leah Ginsberg
Ask practicing lawyers if you should go to law school and they'll probably tell you "no," or so the joke goes. But the world needs attorneys.
But is law school right for you? CNBC spoke with Laura Hosid, law school admissions and career counselor, about the questions you should ask yourself first.

Great Resources for Students
PreLaw Magazine by National Jurist
PreLaw magazine, published by National Jurist, which many pre-law students know and love, has gone to online-only. Thus, we will not have physical copies available anymore. However, it is free to read online, and new issues are released 4 times per year. It is still one of the best places for honest, accurate information about law schools and the legal profession. Click the link below to access the current issue and past issues, along with other interesting articles!
LegalEagle Youtube Channel
This is a great source of information about law school, careers in law, and helpful tips, provided in an interesting and engaging way. He has over 1 million subscribers, has been featured on talk shows, and has become a favorite channel for law school students. Recently the channel has focused more on current news items and providing a legal perspective on them, but you can look back through all of the videos posted over the years to find some great advice on going to law school, how to prepare for law school, and what to do (and not do) in law school. I highly recommend checking it out!
How to Negotiate Scholarships
You have been accepted to the law school of your dreams, but without the same merit scholarship that another law school has offered you. You received a small merit scholarship from the school you want to go to, and a larger one from a different law school, which is not your first choice.
Here are some tips to consider when approaching admissions offices and making final decisions:
Book of Law School Lists
In the spring of this year Kaplan conducted their annual survey of ABA accredited law schools in the United States in order to update these lists of law school academic programs, clinical programs, available scholarships, admission policies and other information. See the list online here:
Free Resources for Aspiring Law Students
Explore LSAC's website regarding free resources for pre-law students.